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Do The Wrong Shoes Cause Back Pain?


If you’ve never considered your shoes as the source of your back pain, think again. Choosing to wear the wrong shoe or one that fits incorrectly contributes to back pain and other unhealthy conditions for your feet and other joints. The professionals of Crown Foot and Ankle Center in Danville and Lexington KY can accurately help you indicate what is causing your back pain. But first, consider whether or not your choice in shoes is contributing to the pain.

Check Your Sole

The first indication that the way you walk is causing your back pain can be determined by simply checking the sole of your shoe. Ideally, people should step with only the fore front and very back of their feet hitting the floor. With continual movement, the soles of your shoes will wear in the areas where your feet come in contact with the ground first. This means that normal wear for a shoe is typically on the outside edge. This will be highly noticeable on shoes that are worn for walking or running as they tend to wear faster due to more use. If you notice that your shoes are worn too far to the outer edge, this may be a sign of over-supination, and if they’re worn too far to the inside, this reflects over-pronation. Both will cause back pain, and if you notice your shoes are wearing in a similar fashion, consult your podiatrist for recommendations on the best shoes for you.

Buy What Fits

Everyone has a desire to look their best and be fashionable, but you should never sacrifice comfort for style. When shoe shopping, look for shoes that fit your feet both in length and width. Make sure you choose shoes that cover your feet and fit properly and try to avoid extensive walking in shoes, such as sandals, that offer no coverage or support. A shoe that is too large or even too small can cause further problems than back pain, including bunions, blisters, and calluses. Take your time in selecting a decent shoe to wear on a daily basis. Consider how much you walk or stand, and be sure to try on a shoe before purchasing it. Wear it around the store and walk around in a potential new shoe for several minutes to ensure it fits well. If need be, get fitted for your shoe and special order the correct width or length that you need if it isn’t in stock. Don’t settle for a shoe that looks great but doesn’t fit appropriately.


The most important factor for a new shoe when back pain is involved is the amount of support that it offers in the arch. Shoes that come with excellent arch supports can drastically reduce back pain, if not relieving it all together depending on how serious your condition is. Make sure that the toe of your foot has enough space to move and that the heel of the shoe fits snug so that it does not slide up and down when walking. The arch should be well supported at all times, especially for daily walking or running shoes. Be sure to avoid high heels if you’re struggling with arch support as these will tend to stretch your arch and offer very little cushioning in that area. Flats and sandals are also shoes that you will want to avoid for long periods of time if you need additional support for your arches, as these shoes offer little to none. If you’re an avid runner, it’s recommended that you take added precaution and buy new shoes every 3 months or 350-500 miles to maintain good foot health.

If you continue to struggle with back pain from walking or running and are considering a podiatrist in Lexington KY, contact the staff of Crown Foot and Ankle Center today for their professional advice.

If you are in the Lexington area and one of the many individuals who is plagued with foot pain and the reoccurring question of “Why do my feet hurt when I wake up?” consulting Crown Foot & Ankle Center, a podiatry practice in Lexington, Kentucky, should be your next step. When faced with the pain of plantar fasciitis, learning about what this injury is and how the pain from the injury can be treated is the best thing you can do.


What is Plantar Fasciitis?

If you wake up in the morning and the first step you take sends a jolt of pain that travels from the sole of your foot into your heel that seems to stay present until your muscles have warmed up, plantar fasciitis may be the cause. Plantar fasciitis is an overuse injury. The Mayo Clinic has defined plantar fasciitis as one of the most common causes of heel pain involving pain and inflammation of the plantar fascia, which is the band of fibrous tissue that connects your heel bone to the rest of your foot.

When strain is put on the plantar fascia, rather it be from a specific sport-related injury, weight gain, flat feet, or high arches, the tissue becomes damaged. Because the plantar fascia tissue shortens when you are sleeping, when you reapply pressure on the already weakened tissue that has been contracted for a long period of time during sleep, it’s like you freshly strain the muscle every time you take your first steps in the morning. Though this stabbing pain is usually triggered by the first steps after sleeping, some suffers also experience this pain after sitting or standing in the same position for long periods of time.


Treatment Options

There is a wide range of non-surgical treatment options for plantar fasciitis. Stretching, avoiding going barefoot, limited activity, shoe modification, and over the counter medications, such as anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen, can all help alleviate the pain of plantar fasciitis. By resting the plantar fascia as much as possible, the injury can heal properly and quickly. Unfortunately, plantar fasciitis is a hard injury to heal because total immobilization of your foot for the duration of the healing process is a hindrance, and every time the tissue is re-strained the process starts over.

Many people with plantar fasciitis will need to be seen by a podiatrist or surgeon because at-home treatments, though helpful, are less likely to solve the whole issue around the injury. The best treatment for plantar fasciitis usually comes from a mixture of at-home, non-surgical treatments combined with the professional treatments that Crown Foot & Ankle Center specializes in. When it comes to plantar fasciitis pain we can help you take the next step in your recovery with treatments that include padding and strapping, custom orthotics, injection therapy, night splints, and physical therapy.


If you are tired of foot pain when you wake up in the morning contact Crown Foot & Ankle Center at (859)-317-9019 today and we’ll begin your journey to a pain free life.


We often get calls from patients asking, “why are my feet swollen?” Swollen feet are common for many people. In most cases there is no reason to be concerned. Examine your feet to determine if both feet are involved or just one. If you have injured your foot, most of the time it will result in just one foot being swollen. Look to see if your foot has changed color or if it’s hot to touch. Here are some common causes of swollen feet and ankles:

Edema – standing or walking too much can cause your feet to swell. Often putting your feet up in a position above your heart will cause the swelling to go away. If you are concerned about an underlying condition or your swelling does not go away, you should notify your doctor.

Pregnancy – many mothers-to-be experience swelling during pregnancy. If the swelling occurs spontaneously during the later part of your pregnancy, you could be experiencing preeclampsia. This is a serious medical condition involving high blood pressure and protein in your urine. You should call your OBGYN right away and follow their advice.

Medications – Many medications have swollen feet and ankles as a side effect. The list includes some of the following medications: anti-inflammatory drugs, hormones, medicines for diabetes, anti-depressants, anti-hypertensive drugs and cardiac medicines. If you’re not sure if your swelling is related to your medications, you should see your doctor.

Disease – Swelling in the feet and ankles is often a symptom of an underlying disease. Common diseases that cause your feet to swell include: congestive heart failure, kidney failure and liver failure. Swollen feet are also a symptom of Gout.

Infections – If you notice any laceration you may have an infection in your foot. This often involves only one foot. A small cut from something as small as a splinter can cause the whole foot and leg to swell. You will notice the foot appearing red and warm to the touch. You will need antibiotics in most cases to fight the infection.

Injuries – foot injuries like a sprained ankle or broken foot will swell. You will have pain when you place weight on the foot too. A sprained ankle can often be treated at home with rest, ice, compression bandage and elevating the foot. A broken foot or ankle needs more attention.

Lymphedema – If you have a problem with your lymph nodes or lymph vessels, then you may have trouble retaining lymph fluid. This happens in many cancer patients.

Blood Clots – If you have a blood clot, it may present with swollen feet and a localized pain. You should seek medical advice right away if you think you have a blood clot.

Why Are My Feet Swollen?

If you are concerned about swollen feet, it is important that you determine what the causes are. Don’t ignore the symptom of swollen feet as it might be related to other medical conditions and could be a sign you need emergency care. Some causes of swollen feet can be addressed in our office. We can also help you manage swollen feet if this is a chronic problem. If you have questions about swollen feet or ankles call Crown Foot & Ankle Center of Lexington today – 859-317-9019.

shutterstock_368641421Foot Care as you age is an important part of your overall health. Many people believe pain in the feet is a part of aging. The truth is, with over 300 foot ailments, many are treatable. Some foot problems are a part of aging and some are inherited. Foot pain can lead to knee, hip and lower back pain. Many times problems with the feet are an indication of a chronic disease that shouldn’t be left untreated.

Your Foot As You Age

As you age, you may notice swelling in your feet as blood pools in the veins. Your arches will tend to flatten and your toes may curl due to muscle imbalance. You can expect your muscle tissue to thin and your nerves in your feet may not send the electrical impulses they once did. Bunions may develop or you may start experiencing other foot problems. If you have a chronic disease like diabetes, you may start to experience foot numbness or pain.

Symptoms Of Health Issues

As we age, foot problems often show up in the form of severe pain, extremely dry skin, thick or discolored toenails, redness, swelling or nerve sensations. Iron deficiency and anemia can be seen in the toenails as they curve in. Foot swelling may be a sign of circulatory problems, kidney disease, heart disease or high blood pressure. Tingling or numbness may be an indication of diabetes or nerve damage. Often your feet will show a sign of disease long before you are diagnosed. People who are overweight will also experience more pain, as the pressure on their feet is greater. This can cause lower back pain and pain in your knees or hips.

Foot Care As You Age

If you are experiencing foot problems, pain or swelling it is important to see your doctor or podiatrist right away. Foot problems can occur from years of wear and tear and lack of proper foot care. You can avoid pain and infections by taking good care of your feet. Make sure you practice good foot care by doing the following:

  • Wear proper shoes for support and comfort
  • Wash your feet daily
  • Clip your nails straight across to avoid ingrown toenails
  • Don’t remove calluses or other growths with a sharp razor or object

Proper Shoes As You Age

Your feet will change sizes as you age. They will tend to flatten and some of the fatty cushion on the bottom will disappear. It is important now more than ever that you choose the correct shoe size. Look for shoes that are firm in the sole with a soft upper. Make sure there is plenty of toe room and that the width is broad enough. Shop for shoes in the afternoon because your feet will swell during the day. Having good fitting shoes will be more comfortable and offer you the support you need to prevent falls and keep your feet healthy.

Foot Care As Your Age

Crown Foot and Ankle is here to help you with all your foot care needs. Our friendly staff can help diagnose your foot problem and give you the proper treatment to ensure better health and more comfort. Don’t suffer with foot pain when you can resolve the issue and experience better health overall. Developing proper foot care as you age can prevent many of the issues your feet might develop.

Have you considered a 2016 foot care resolution? The New Year is here and if you haven’t made foot care a high priority before, now may be the time to make some needed changes.

Your feet handle the entire weight of your whole body. This means foot problems can quickly lead to discomfort and they can affect the way you walk and the things you can accomplish. You may know of people who started off with a foot concern only to find out the affect it had on the way they walked caused knee, hip and back pain too. The good news is that your 2016 foot care resolution can change how you view your feet and it can prevent injury and pain as well.

Keep Your Feet Clean

You should make sure you wash your feet often. This means never going to bed with dirty feet. Dirt left on the surface of your feet can become irritated or infected. Make washing your feet with soap and water part of your nightly routine. If you use a public shower or changing facility, make sure you wear protective footgear at all times.

Keep Your Feet Dry

Make sure you keep your feet dry. After washing your feet and anytime your feet get wet make sure you dry them thoroughly. Areas in and around the toes are great places for germs and fungus to breed. Change your socks daily to prevent disease and moisture problems.

Remove Hard Skin

Hard skin and calluses should be removed with a pumice stone or foot file regularly. You can make your 2016 foot care resolution to get a pedicure each month. This is a good way to remove hard skin and get it done professionally.

Properly Trim Your Toe Nails

Your toenails should never be trimmed down the edges or at an angle. Instead, trim your toe nails straight across. This will prevent ingrown toenails.

Wear The Proper Footwear

Make sure you wear comfortable fitting shoes. Avoid large heels and shoes that squeeze the toes. If you are buying new shoes, remember your feet swell during the day. If you buy shoes in the morning, they may not fit your shoe size in the afternoon or evening. If you wear heels at work, try varying the heel size often. If you participate in sports or other athletic activities make sure you wear quality shoes that fit properly.

Avoid Foot Pain

If your feet hurt, there is a problem. Make sure you see your podiatrist if you are experiencing pain in your feet. The right solution will prevent the pain or problem from worsening and will make sure other symptoms don’t develop.

Your 2016 Foot Care Resolution

If you have never thought about your feet too much, don’t worry as you get older, you will. Make this year the year you begin to form good foot habits that will prevent problems later on. If you have questions about caring for your feet or if you’re experiencing problems, call Crown Foot and Ankle today.

Patients often ask how to take care of your feet this winter so we are writing this blog to address some of the concerns associated with the colder temperatures and your feet. Many of you have already put your flip-flops and sandals away for the winter. If you haven’t make sure you wear them on milder days when there is no snow and the temperatures are high. Athletic shoes, sneakers and other cloth types shoes should also be avoided. Here are a few more suggestions on how to take care of your feet this winter:

Boots and Seasonal Foot Wear

Make sure your footwear fits properly. You should be able to wiggle your toes but not your heel, instep or the ball of your foot. Wear orthotics to help support these areas. If you wear ice skates or ski boots extra precaution should be made to make sure they control your foot’s movement. Don’t buy large size shoes and boots for your kids hoping to get two seasons out of them. Properly fitting footwear will prevent blisters and sprained ankles. Make sure your winter footwear has good gripping soles so you don’t slip on ice or snow. Socks that are too snug can also cause corns or blisters. Ask your podiatrist which shoes and socks are recommended when asked how to take care of your feet this winter.

Keep Your Feet Clean And Dry

Wearing thick socks and boots will help keep you warm and dry this winter. The problem occurs when your feet begin to sweat or when you get your feet wet and don’t change your socks right away. Bacterial and fungal infections like damp, warm areas. Consider using foot powder and make sure you clean your feet well each night.

Pretend You’re In Sandals

Most people pay particular attention to their feet in the summer. We all want to make sure our feet look nice and clean when we wear sandals. In the winter it is just as important to care for your feet as in the summer. Dry and cracked feet will become sore this winter. Applying moisturizer and keeping your feet clean will go a long way towards keeping them comfortable. You can ask your podiatrist at Crown Foot and Ankle which moisturizers will offer the most protection during the winter months. Trim and care for your nails just like you would during the summer months.

Walk Softly

The cold weather can lead to slippery and potentially dangerous walkways. Avoid any sudden movements when walking and walk softly. Ankle sprains and ligament tears are common during the winter months. If you are a runner, don’t try to take long strides to avoid slipping. Try to run at a normal gate and avoid slippery ice or snow.

How To Take Care Of Your Feet This Winter

Crown Foot and Ankle is available to help with all your foot care needs. If you have questions about how to take care of your feet this winter or your need to make an appointment for a specific foot problem or disease, please call our office and we will be happy to help you.